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Dealer #12 - at Stars and Splendid

Terri's Antiques & Collectibles
Terri has been a dealer with Stars & Splendid for many years. Her booth space on the first aisle always has a wide variety of antiques, collectibes and just fun items. Her showcase is filled with advertising collectibles while her space has a nice array of furniture and decorative accessorie. And she always has very good prices.

Dealer #7 - at Stars and Splendid

The highest quality antiques at affordable and negotiable price
Welcome to my antiques page. Antiques is my passion and I would like to share it with you.

Dealer #5 - at Stars and Splendid

Bobbie's Antiques & Collectibles
My case at Stars & Splendid is just loaded with great finds for you to purchase. It is changing all the time with new finds, so don't delay, so come shop with Bobbie.

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